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Creativity is intelligence having fun.
-Albert Einstein
Christy is a busy Actor and Singer with a long history of performing.
Through classical stage training, Christy discovered both her power and her comedy and now embraces both on stage and screen.
However, comedy is her true love. From over-the-top farce to deadpan witticisms, Christy's timing is flawless. She has played histrionic divas, sarcastic sidekicks, and frazzled moms,
all with fearless precision.
Her innate power and intelligence are riveting
-- whether she's playing a high-powered CEO
or shakespearean tour de force.
After 13 years in the NYC market, Christy now works from various USA cities with her husband and daughter
Don't be delicate, be vast and brilliant.​
Christina Hendricks meets Allison Janney...
Get in touch
Phone: 646-450-5691
Heyman Talent Agency
Laura VonHolle
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